
This programme was to be performed  in 2020/2021 and we will try to welcome the same artists in 2022

 05th - 12th of April

05th of April at 15.30 pm 

Opening Performance

at Wisbygymnasiet, Sävehusets aula, Allégatan, 621 51 Visby   -  Virpi Pahkinen, dance, Bathos percussion trio,  woodwind quintet from Gotlands Musiken and young dance talents from Gotland school of culture

Entrance fee 200/100 for members - children under 16 and pupils from Visby kulturskola free

Buy your ticket here 

6th of April at 6 pm Gotlands kulturrum, Specksrum 4, Visby

- a unique life story illustrated with beautiful guitar music

with Krister Dahlström, www.kristerdahlstrom.se 

Entrance: 150/75 members  - children under 16 and pupils from Visby kulturskola free

07th of April at 6pm 

Concert at Tjelvar church, Tjelvarvägen 4, 621 43 Visby

Concert with Krister Dahlström, guitar, Bathos percussion trio, Gotlands recorder trio "De trio Scherzi", Arvid Kåring, Isak Axelsson, organ and young dance talent Filippa Stennert 

Free entrance   - voluntary contributions welcome

(Handelsbanken Bankgiro 272 - 2007 - eller Swish: 1231 950 435 märk Påskfestival)

08th of April at 6pm at Hamnkyrkan Klintehamn, Norra Kustvägen 26B, 623 77 Klintehamn 

Concert with professional musicians and young talents from Sweden and Norway  - organ, guitar, ackordeon, recorder

Free entrance - voluntary contributions welcome

(Handelsbanken Bankgiro 272 - 2007 - eller Swish: 1231 950 435 märk Påskfestival)

9th of April 

13.30 at Hajdes - closed arrangement  


Concert with professional musicians and young talents from Sweden and Norway 

18.00 service with music and dance at Slite church

Solåkersvägen 23, 624 48 Slite 

Free entrance 

10th of April at 11am Goodfriday

Service with music at Eskelhem church, 622 70 Gotlands Tofta

Annika Hansson Gardelius, recorder

Free entrance 

Korsbygården, Lärbro at 6pm

Poetry and music, Peter Jankert, poetry and Thorbjörn Grass, guitar

Entrance: 150/75 members - children under 16 and pupils from Visby kulturskola free 

11th of April at 2pm Bergman Center, Fårö, Fårö Svens 1118, 624 66 Fårö 

Poetry and music, Peter Jankert and Thorbjörn Grass

Entrance: 150/75 members , children under 16 and pupils from Visby kulturskola free

12th of April, Körsbärsgården, at 2.30 pm SUNDRE VÄSTERGÅRDE 135, 623 30 Burgsvik

Poetry and music, Peter Jankert, poetry and Thorbjörn Grass, guitar

Entrance: 150/75 members - children under 16 and pupils from Visby kulturskola free

Buy your ticket here 

06th - 12st of April

6th of April 

Art Safari  - vernissages att different places at Gotland and concerts -

13.00 Vernissage Ann Uddin at  S:ta Maria Cathedral, Visby,

music with Bathos percussion trio from Noway

14.00 Bus from Visby Österport parkingplace  to Vänge church 

14.30 vernissage Anders Thorlin at Vänge church, music with Annika Hansson Gardelius, Gotland

Bus continues to Väte - Gallery Gräne, 

16.00 - vernissage : exhibition with different artists:  Maj Wennerdahl, Stig Alyhr, Rose Dietz, Lars Hellström and Mona Hellsing Troili 

 - coffee and cakes for sale

back in Visby 17.30

Min. 15 persons - kr.250 p.p.

Reservations  within 30th of March  to wennerdahl.maj@gmail.com  or handy 070 74 75 450

payment at bus departure

5th  - 12th of April 14 -18pm

"Crossing borders" - exhibition Mona Hellsing Troili

House of Art ....Atelje "Chambre Separe'e" 

phone 0761 620882
Gammelgarn Hugreivs 606
62367 Katthammarsvik 

Many thanks to our sponsors!